Sunday, March 31, 2013

DIY for a Makeup/Small Bag

Super cute and easy to make Fabric Flower Bag with Pearls and Rhinestones. 

I finally got around to making a tutorial for Cut Out and Keep. Life threw lots of lemons my way and prevented me from making this sooner, but, alas here is one of the many tutorials I hope to share. It is for a small bag which you can use for makeup or as a small bag to take with on the go. Tutorial below. 

Here are the materials
A small bag (or whatever size you chose)
Some matching fabric for your bag. I used a twill because that is what I had, but something cotton works (use something that works with your glue) 
Flower Trim (or your own handmade fabric flowers)
Fabric glue (make sure it works with your fabric) 
Fabric Scissors
Monofilament Jewelry Cord 
Rhinestone Trim 
Crimp Beads (preferably a color that matches your rhinestone trim)
Cement Glue (not pictured)

Things pictured that I did not use
Various jewelry making tools
Jump Rings 
Gold Beads 

Use your black fabric (or whatever color you chose) and glue it to the inside of your little pouch/bag. The easiest way to do this is to put some glue on the fabric then carefully slide it into the bag. Press down gently to attach both materials. The blue lines on the picture above illustrates the size of the fabric you want to cut out and where the glue should be. It does not have to be perfect, just make sure the sides are glued down. 

Make sure you get this edge of your fabric glued down well. So it does not get caught in the zipper. It will also prevent your from accidentally dropping things in there.  

Next, get your fabric flower trim ready. I purchased this trim at an embellishment store. You could also make these flowers yourself, if you know how to. I cut the trim into three sections of four flowers each. Measure yours out to see what adjustments, if any, you need to make. 

Get ready to start gluing. Fabric glue works best and it dries super fast. 

You only need to glue the middle of the flowers, no need to use elsewhere and make a bigger mess. 

Glue your first row. 

This is what it looks like. Not too close to the edge, again, so it doesn't get caught in the zipper. 

Second row. 

Third row all done. 

Now, you can leave it like this, it is super cute and useful like so, but I have gone ahead and made good use of those two clasps on the end of the original pouch. 

First I attached some Rhinestone trim. Add as many or as little as you want. Just make sure it is long enough to slip your hand through. I used monofilament cord to attach it. See the picture below. 

This cord is super strong and easy to work with. After you knot it add some cement glue to secure the knot. 

For the pearl strand I also used the monofilament cord. After I knotted it, I added a crimp bead...

Then I crimped it. (Is that even the right terminology? jaja)

String on your pearls, knot the other end with a crimp bead also and you're done! 


  1. its so cute I love the pearls and the pink flowers itssss soooo amazing

  2. really so lovely
